onsdag, maj 23, 2007

Update for CCTray for XPS

I found a little bug in the last version of my CCTray version for XPS. The LEDs were shut off during build. So I updated the files. You can download them from the same place:New .NET XPS LightFX SDK

fredag, maj 18, 2007


Dell has released a new version of their XPS LightFX SDK. This version includes different dll's for Windows XP / Vista and their 32- and 64-bit versions. I have improved my managed wrapper, to support not only the SetEffect function, but also SetLEDSettings. I didn't care about backward compatibility, but changed the way you use the wrapper to be more simple.

This XPS thing is a Dell laptop model, I use a XPS M1710.

If you run the LedsExample program please copy the correct version of GamingSDK.dll to the folder, I added the Vista 32-bit version.

Download my wrapper: .NET XPS LightFX SDK

I made a simple hard coded version of CCTray(binary), which shows the summary build status on the XPS LED's. My XPS for CCTray patch(source)

Howto use the managed wrapper:
using Björn.Carlsson.XPSLeds;
namespace Leds
public partial class Form1 : Form
XPSLeds m_XPSLeds;

public Form1()
m_XPSLeds = new XPSLeds();
FormClosing += Form1_FormClosing;

void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)

private void btnSet_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
m_Settings.Intensity = LED_INTENSITY.MAX;
m_Settings.Zone1 = LED_COLOR.KUNZITE;
m_Settings.Zone2 = LED_COLOR.PERIDOT;
m_Settings.Zone3 = LED_COLOR.TANZANITE;
m_Settings.ColorTouchPad = LED_COLOR_TOUCHPAD.RUBY;

m_XPSLeds.SetLEDSettings(m_Settings, false);

söndag, maj 06, 2007

Mono - Silverlight

I have signed up to two Google groups and one mail list today, with the intent to join the development of a Mono version of Silverlight with the cool name: Moonlight.

For a "Windows developer" like myself it would feel much more familiar to start develop a web application using what I call Silverlight .NET (Silverlight 1.1 Alpha with a CLR), than to use the more traditional web application frameworks. It's more or less just like building a WPF application. You even have isolated storage.

Why should I contribute to the Moonlight development:
  • I really like the WPF design,
  • The world needs Silverlight for Linux.
  • I am curios to, how the collaboration in such an ambitious open source project as Mono works.
  • What better way to really learn the fundamentals of WPF?
BTW: I just love one idea from the Silverlight team, which would also be great in Compact Framework: Pay for play: They build a small core, with everything unnecessary stripped out, and if you miss something, you should be able to add it, and pay the price. So you don't have to yell out: WHY DID THEY STRIPP THAT OUT!